vertragen: Malsamoj inter versioj

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Taylorbot (diskuto | kontribuoj)
forigas volapugajxojn | t=4515 su=643 in=645 at=643 -- only 38 edits left of totally 682 possible edits | edr / ovr / aft = 000-0000 / 000-0011 / 000-0000 | clup(3):$A0(-0)&tab#trailspc#reduceol(-0) & {{F}}--(c10=10070-0000,0x)-->{{fi ... sch Verb Übersicht}}--(c10=10070-0000,1x)-->{{Germana verbo (superrigardo)}} | " {{Deutsch Verb " -> " {{Germana verbo"
Taylorbot (diskuto | kontribuoj)
forigas germanajn volapugaĵojn | t=6387 su=616 in=772 at=741 -- only 1706 edits left of totally 2323 possible edits | edr / ovr / aft = 000-0000 / 000-0011 / 000-0000 | clup(4):$A0(-0)&tab#trailspc#reduceol(-0)&killreddot & {{t-needed}}--(c10=100 ... }} & {{T+}}--(c10=10070-0000,0x)-->{{t}} & {{T}}--(c10=10070-0000,0x)-->{{t}} | " {{t-tabelo|Ü-l" -> " {{subst:t-tabel"
Linio 43:
*{{en}}: [1] {{t|en|tolerate}}; [2] {{t|en|get along with}}
*{{fr}}: [1] {{t|fr|tolérer}}; [2] {{t|fr|s'entendre}}
Linio 50:
*{{it}}: [1] {{t|it|tollerare}}
*{{ca}}: [1] {{t|ca|tolerar}}; [2] {{t|ca|dur-se bé}}
*{{nl}}: [1] {{t|nl|tolereren}}
*{{pl}}: [1] {{t|pl|tolerować}}
Linio 57:
*{{es}}: [1] {{t|es|tolerar}}; [2] {{t|es|llevarse bien}}
*{{hu}}: [1] {{t|hu|elvisel}}