ado: Malsamoj inter versioj

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Taylorbot (diskuto | kontribuoj)
forigas gemanaĵojn | t=2198 su=187 in=272 at=229 -- only 1616 edits left of totally 1804 possible edits | edr / ovr / aft = 000-0000 / 000-0011 / 000-0000 | clup(4):$A0(-0)&tab#trailspc#reduceol(-2)&killreddot & {{Üxx5}}--(c10=10070- ... 10=10070-0000,0x)-->{{subst:ru}} & {{fr}}--(c10=10070-0000,0x)-->{{subst:fr}} | "*{{id}}: [1] {{t" -> "*{{subst:id}}: ["
Taylorbot (diskuto | kontribuoj)
forigas germanajn volapugaĵojn | t=1921 su=116 in=145 at=141 -- only 2206 edits left of totally 2323 possible edits | edr / ovr / aft = 000-0000 / 000-0011 / 000-0000 | clup(4):$A0(-0)&tab#trailspc#reduceol(-0)&killreddot & {{t-needed}}--(c10=100 ... }} & {{T+}}--(c10=10070-0000,0x)-->{{t}} & {{T}}--(c10=10070-0000,0x)-->{{t}} | " {{t-tabelo|Ü-l" -> " {{subst:t-tabel"
Linio 48:
*{{fj}}: [1] {{t|fj|ciwa}}
*{{de}}: [1] {{t|de|neun}}
Linio 56:
*{{lo}}: [1] {{t-trans|lo|ເກົ້າ|}} (kau)
*{{ms}}: [1] {{t|ms|sembilan}}
*{{mh}}: [1] {{t|mh|ratimjuon}}
*{{tl}}: [1] {{t|tl|siyam}}
Linio 62:
*{{th}}: [1] {{t-trans|th|เก้า|}} (kau)
*{{to}}: [1] {{t|to|hiva}}